Ruby environment adding your specific gems.
$ git clone ~/.rbenv
$ ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv init # (1)!
$ . ~/.bash_profile
$ mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins
$ git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build
Sample ruby at 3.2.2 version rbenv setup
$ . ~/.bash_profile
$ module load ruby/3.2.2 # Needed as seed version
$ rbenv install 3.2.2
$ rbenv local 3.2.2
$ which ruby
/home/jpeismeier/.rbenv/shims/ruby # (2)!
Sample rbenv gem install supporting OpenStudio 3.7.0
$ . ~/.bash_profile
$ gem install bundler -v 2.4.10
$ export RUBYLIB=/cm/shared/apps/openstudio/openstudio-3.7.0/Ruby
$ gem install urbanopt-cli
$ gem install 'openstudio-common-measures'
- Note that this modifies your .bash_profile
- This was using my id (jpeismeier)
github rbenv readme
stackoverflow how to